Do you want to organise you’re own bra collecting event for charity?
We want to say a big THANK YOU to our friends in America who have managed to collect 95 bras for us to take out to Zambia in January 2014.
The women of Linda Women’s Association are doing a fantastic job of selling the bras in the Linda community to women who find it easier to shop for bras locally than spend time on transport into the local town to buy them for a hefty price. We are delighted that the bras that have been donated so far have made 1,195k for the women’s groups, which is about £150. VisionZambia is now matching this funding so that the women have access to more cash for revolving loans.
The loans mean that the women of Linda have a place that they can go to start their local businesses, they can buy raw materials including seeds, fabric, wood, and wool in order to make things that they can sell in the community to also increase their income.
If you want to organise your own bra collecting evening you can contact us by email and we can help you with information, advice and ideas.