What’s next for the women of Linda

by | Apr 11, 2014

When we told the women of Linda compound that VisionZambia would match fund whatever money they banked there were smiles all round. Their vision is to arrange interest free loans amongst themselves, and manage the repayments, so that they can help women start their own businesses.

As well as match funding the women we are also going to help them to kick start their first couple of businesses.


We are working on a project where the women start their own business rearing chickens for eggs and for meat. As well as helping to keep families well fed this project creates profits.

Staying healthy during their menstrual cycle

VisionZambia are supporting the women’s association to manufacture and sell their own menstrual pads. Currently most women in Linda do not have access to any form of sanitary protection. This would be a huge benefit to the community.


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