Light of Hope sports club

by | Sep 28, 2017

Young people in the Linda community have limited opportunities for education and employment and can be susceptible to drugs, drink and crime. Light of Hope has developed Sports programmes to provide young people with the opportunity to work collaboratively and to channel their energies positively.

Your donations to VisionZambia support Light of Hope Sports Club with the payment of registration fees and transport to enable them to play competitively. During their visits to Zambia, trustees accompany the teams to support them and follow their progress seeing at first-hand what this programme offers.

Netball, Soccer and Aerobic exercises are the main sporting activities which are played by the youths aged between 12 and 25 years drawn from across Chilanga.  Following their motto ‘To Inspire and Achieve’ the members of the club will regularly undergo intensive training to empower them with the skills and information to equip them for the future. Light of Hope has also developed programmes to develop awareness of HIV/AIDS, improve reproductive and sexual health and other issues.

Light of Hope’s vision is to develop a vibrant group of female and male youths who are committed to sports and influencers within their community displaying a positive attitude in the fight against the spread of HIV/AIDS; as well as empower them with skills for their future.


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